Friday, August 24, 2018

The America We Once Knew


        Today, I listened to the news and wondered in my mind, “What has happened to the America we once knew? What happened to the patriotic celebrations, the standing for the flag as it was proudly carried by in a parade.  How about standing in respect for the military members who fought in past wars? They fought for our freedom and rights as a nation.

        I heard this morning that the unfurling of the American Flag at a game being played is next on the chopping block. I wonder about the lack of respect shown at a game of sport some  lovingly call Football, because they take a knee while the National Anthem  is being played and sung, honoring out nation, our flag, our military, our strength, our men and women.

        The days of apple pie and ice cream are gone. I mourn the passing. We talk every day about what is happening to our nation of people. We realize we are not alone. We realize that the majority of Americans feel the same way we do. However, the lesser amount of citizens has a loud clanging voice and they are unafraid to spew their vile hatred of things they often don’t know anything about.

        The students in high school and college are not taught of things of our past, our history, where we all came from, and what we had to do to become the strong nation we once were. I watched an interview of young college aged students who were asked if they agreed with the statement, “America was never that great.” They agreed.

However, are they educated enough to learn of the wars that were fought to keep this nation free, that were fought to establish and maintain their right to spew stupidity from their mouths and not have any repercussions for speaking it. They are not being required to learn these kinds of history facts. Are they required to learn our cultural history? Are they required to learn about our government? Do they know how it actually runs? I don’t think so.

Do they understand that all of the free stuff they want paid for by the government is actually paid for by tax dollars? Do they understand that tax dollars come from the working population of this country we live in? How could they understand this because many of them don’t work, nor have they ever worked. They are in college learning socialistic thinking from their college professors. Many throw chairs through windows or burn cars rather than hear other lines of thought.

        On the newscasts, we hear about the situation of the illegal population who manage to cross the borders into our country and slip through the cracks in our poorly legislated system of laws. I have heard so many left thinking persons spew that these people have rights to our American way of life. Give them state assistance. Give them medical and dental and a right to a good education, food stamps to eat, verification by identity cards, (and while we are at it, register them to vote as a Democrat.) Most do not even speak English and check boxes of verification they have no idea what it even says. Think about this people !
They are given freely the opportunities afforded to people in the United States of America. It is their right to obtain these wonderful privileges we have been able to take advantage of as citizens of the USA.

        The key word to this is CITIZENS OF THE USA. They are not citizens. They did not wait in line. They did not earn the right to become an American citizen. They stole that right. They did not earn it. In addition, NO, they do NOT have those rights automatically given to them. They BROKE THE LAW. They are here by SNEAKING across the border. THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY.

        Now, I ask you. What normally smart, logical, hard working, undemented, citizen of the USA can look at their paycheck and see the local taxes we are required to have deducted, the  amount deducted for our Social Security fund, the medical insurance portion deducted, these items we see on our paycheck accounting line. We understand those are the items that support our government, who support our military, which support our law enforcement, who support us in our retirement years, on and on. NOTHING IS FREE PEOPLE. We pay for them. And the benefits we have as AMERICAN CITIZENS should not be given freely to ILLEGAL ALIENS.  

        These folks with the loud voices screaming for freebies, someday, will have a job and look at their check and the light will dawn in their brains. Life is not free here folks. Somebody has got to put up the money to support these programs, and it is the working class, not the welfare recipient, nor the person living with Dad and Mom. WE THE PEOPLE support the government.

        We need to stand up for our earned rights and not give those rights away to those who are not legally here. If they want to sign up, enter our country legally, learn and respect our government, our flag, our democratic form of government, (Not referring to a political party!) and the price we have had to pay to live free in this country, then so be it. They too can enjoy the privileges we have and are welcome to do this.   

        And one of these privileges is going to a ball game and rooting for you team on a summers day in the bleachers, or a winters day in a cold stadium. And one of those privileges is standing in honor of our country, giving respect to our nations flag, not another nation’s flag, but our nation’s flag, and singing an anthem supporting our country to honor the privileges we are so proud to have.


Thursday, April 20, 2017



          I woke up this morning thinking about the topic of our bible study this week. It turned out that it all came down to the situation of your heart. More aptly said, ‘the condition of your heart.’

          We have been studying in Genesis, in Chapter 19 this week. It is the story of Lot and the visitors to Sodom and Gomorrah, the visitors being Angels from our Heavenly Father. Some even say that it was the foretold Son of God in the form of Jesus, but that is another bible study for another time.

          Before arriving at Sodom and Gomorrah, they stopped and chatted with Abraham. It is a very good read in Chapter 18, beginning with verse 22. Well, actually the entire Chapter is good but, for what we are discussing, let us begin with verse 22. Abraham was trying to convince the angels , or the two men, as the bible states, the business of finding just 50, 0r 40, or however many, working his way down to 10 good men left in Sodom and Gomorrah, asking or actually bargaining with the men, if they would spare ‘the place’ for 10 righteous men.

          An agreement was reached, and the Lord said, “for the sake of 10 I will not destroy it,” meaning the cities. Did I mention that some biblical scholars say that Lot was Abraham’s nephew? Lot’s family was Abraham’s family.
So we return to Lot. When the men reached the City, Lot was sitting in the Gate.

          First off, for Lot to be sitting in the Gate of the City speaks volumes about his character. In biblical days, for a citizen of the city to sit in the gate, gave him a sort of seat of honor. People would come to the man sitting in the gate, and discuss their problems, arguments with others, who stole whose goat. Whatever the situation, you could come to the man sitting in the gate and he was a judge or juror, would settle disputes. It was a seat of honor.

          In Lot’s case, the reason it spoke of his character is he had migrated from living outside of the city walls, and several moves later, inside of the city walls and became assimilated into their people and their culture. He had become totally accepted as one of them. Their culture was of a complete sinful nature. Scripture describes it as wicked and depraved. Homosexuality between the men of the city and sexual impurity was the culture of the city. What does that say about Lot?

          He was not involved with that sort of behavior himself. He was a righteous man who was ‘grieved by the behavior’, but lived among the depravity and accepted it in life. Acceptance in your life of the surrounding sin as a normal way of life is certainly something to ponder.

          You start to accept the behavior as the norm, and although you do not behave that way, your attitude is ‘well, it is just they way everyone does business, and that is my crowd. You agree or accept the behavior as the ‘norm’ and assimilate yourself to it.

          As in the case of Lot, there was a high price to be paid for that assimilation or compromise in his life.

          As was the custom, Lot invited the men to his home, to ‘wash up’ or for their feet to be washed and a meal shared, a bed provided. In the morning, they could go on their way well cared for. They declined his gracious offer and said they would sleep in the square. Their plan was to sit in the center of town, ‘to make a list and take down names.’

          Their job was not to sit in a comfy home, eat chicken, and drink ale.

          Lot was unusually insistent, and they returned to his home with him. It appears that Lot knew what they might find or experience in the City Center. Since the men did not go into town, the town men came to Lot’s home. They called out to Lot and to the men to come outside and join them. They wanted Lot to turn his guest over to their moral depravity. Lot refused, but offered his two daughters who were unknown by man, or virgins, to satisfy the lust demands.

          Now, these two women were betrothed to men. It was the custom that ‘betrothed men’ were called Sons in Law even before the marriage ceremony takes place. Women were held in such low esteem in that time that Lot was willing to offer up his daughters to spare his guests in his home. (That is also a topic for another bible study week, but not today.) He was willing to protect the safety for his guests in his own home before he would his own family.

          The scene became ugly, the men tried to rush the house, and the guest actually became the protectors. They blinded the outside men so they could not gain entry and encouraged Lot to gather his family and his Son’s in Law, and flee the city, do not look back, keep going. You know the rest of the story and if you do not, go read Chapter 19 of Genesis.

          The point I am writing about has to do with the compromise of this situation. The question we have to ask is our own society in a state of compromise. Is it not just isolated in one city or two, but our nation, our country and our world we live in? The answer is yes, we live in a compromised society as a whole. We live in a generation of political correctness. We live in a generation of general tolerance of immoral or bad behavior. Look at the criminal activity that surrounds us, as well as the political aspect we live in today. Money, power, and manipulation are the names of the game.

          Moreover, this is generally acceptable behavior. It includes Christians as well as other belief systems that surround us daily. We accept and assimilate. Moreover, just what does that mean, accept and assimilate? That is a tough question for us. Sexual immorality or impurity, lawless behavior, our children being submitted to illicit behavior and teachings in our own school systems up to and including college teaching.

          In addition, what about family structure and behavior among ourselves? What ‘rights’ do ‘we’ demand for ourselves that affect those around us, and we never think twice about that . "This is what I believe will work for me", and even though it is not an acceptable behavior in a relationship or marriage or family, it works for him or her.

          How have we all compromised? Have we become a Lot living in Sodom and Gomorrah? Do we offer up our unborn children to abortion?
          What if Mary had done an act of abortion to cover up her situation?
Has it become  acceptable today to murder unborn children that have become an inconvenience to what will ‘work for me’ today? This is not only about abortion, but other compromises as well.
  We have all compromised our values in one way or another. We do not want to listen to it, or read the reality of it. Why ? Because all of us have compromised, assimilated into our surroundings. What can we do about it?

          There are many good questions to ask ourselves. Can we change just one thing or stand up for just one ‘something’ as a start? Maybe we can. This is a great deal to discuss this week in our bible study. We might think about it next week as well.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Recently, I have been thinking about Selective Memory. Interesting topic. It has many layers of things to think about.

What exactly is selective memory? 

Selective amnesia is a type of amnesia in which the victim loses certain parts of his/her memory. Common elements that may be forgotten: relationships, special talents (instrumental talents, etc.), or where he/she lives, abilities in certain areas (e.g.: a new gymnast forgetting she cannot cartwheel yet), and events such as concerts, shows, or traumatic events (e.g.: a death/suicide of a loved one or attempt on one's own life).

That is a very complex description of selective memory and not exactly what I was going for. All of these things are very true, but a little more dramatic than childhood selective memory. I would not call it 'amnesia' or 'losing one's memory', but I might call it a perspective of memory.

Now, that is REALLY the crux of my thoughts. How so many people can remember something that took place so long ago, or maybe just a few years ago, so differently. It may have been a few moments ago as in a crime committed or dramatic happening. Sometimes you can experience the same thing as the person next to you, and you both remember things differently. A good word for that is perspective. What is your perspective of what actually happened.

So, let's talk about perspective of what happened. Could be many years ago, or a few days ago, but each person, sees things in their own perspective. What could determine your own perspective of memories? Your age? Your feelings about the occurrence? Your personal relationship with what happened? There are so very many things that could determine your viewpoint of your memory. That is why it can be called selective memory.

Let's combine your age with the happening, and you have entered a completely new twilight zone. Is the memory connected with children's perspective? (Things are so exciting or magnified, or dramatic at that age.)  Or teenage hormonal perspective, (such wonderful dramatics at that age, everything is a soap opera, or drama queen perspective.) Or are you remembering it as an adult, just like it was yesterday perspective. (Childhood dramas are so out of whack!)

Each one of those perspectives are exactly correct to the person who is recollecting the happening or memory. We have all, at one time or another, recall having a huge laugh with a spouse, or a brother, sister, cousin, about something that happened when you were kids. "No, remember, so and so said and did this, or that". And someone else remembers it differently, and you all laugh and put your stories together and come up with a composite version of what actually happened. That can be such great fun, especially with siblings remembering this or that and the fun and remembering the experience is much better that the experience ever was.

EXCEPT when the happening was very painful, and it happened to someone who remembers it a specific way, and the other person remembers it a different way. And over the years it has a way of festering into a stumbling block that begets a chasm that can create damage lasting an entire lifetime. A memory for someone and the telling over the years takes on new dramatics with the continued telling. It can create something that becomes a part of the original description I quoted. This is serious business here.

I recently have heard of such a happening, repeated over a period of many  years, repeated to others, taking on newly created perspectives that did not even apply in the beginning, but it makes the edge of the event take on another added drama, in their favor of course. Then this 'selective memory' has become gossip, a poorly designed report of a different nature that happened so many years ago, that has altered the course of someone's life.

How can you ever regain the perspective or even recall the original occurrence with out dredging up the old pains and hurts. Well, in reality, you can't. The pain can be devastating for some, life altering for others, it can divide families, and become a divisive tool. And no one is guilty, ever, because their selective memory is infallible, and admitting a wrong doing or saying is completely out of the question, unthinkable.

FORGIVENESS of things is the answer. Not just lip service, but heart wrenching forgiveness, gut level forgiveness is the answer. How important are any of these things after 20, 30 maybe 40 years? Enough to carry this anger or hurt or guilt over what was done, or told again and again, embellished, ruining someone else's life. Is it really that important in your life? If it is, you might consider getting counseling about what is really at the root of your 'selective memory', get some perspective properly placed in your thinking. Ask Jesus to remove those hurtful thoughts, lay them at the foot of the cross, and DON'T go back and pick them up again. GOD does not need your help in taking care of this, He can solve your 'selective memory' problems all by Himself without supervision.

If you need to apologize, 'just do it.' If you think you are wrong, 'just say it.' That might be HIS way of starting to work in YOUR life which might be the core problem in the first place.

SELECTIVE MEMORY, not well placed, can be devastating.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Good morning my friends,

I am happy to be writing a few comments to you.  We have been occupied around this household with a variety of things, which includes two books published this year.

One new book, "ARIZONA RISING", which is centered around ranchers on the Mexican border.  It deals with not only ranching, but the problem of illegal entry into the USA by border crossings.  It is an interesting book, please pick it up on Amazon.  It is available not only as a book, but also on Kindle. 

 Then, I republished under Create Space my original children's book you might be familiar with called "THE FLY AWAY BALLOON." It is a very light story about a child's birthday balloon that came loose from her little girl's wrist string.  "Bitsy" as the balloon is called has an adventure in the park until she finds her little girl again.  It is a cute little story your children or grandchildren might like. Also available on Amazon.

 All of that is a time consuming endeavor, and it is so enjoyable.  Now that both are complete, I am working on a new book.  More news about that later.

 When I look around at what is going on in our world, and wonder why is this all happening?  When you study world politics, and follow the arguments going on between nations, you ask why!

You hear many opinions, ranging from political government differences, and environmental differences, religious differences and land possessions.  My personal opinion, which much of the time I am very happy to voice, is that all of the above apply.  Greed of land, resources as oil, minerals of all kinds, and power.  These things all enter into the struggles going on right now.

But, you can not discount that all of these things are predicted.  And they have been predicted for many years in the Bible.  From before the birth of Jesus, these events have all been predicted.  I know, some will say, "oh well, here we go, another Bible thumper".  I guess I am one! And glad to be one.  But not in the sense of Fire and Brimstone, although there is that lurking around many places is that book.  But the fact is, that book, the BIBLE has certainly been around a whole lot longer than the middle eastern crisis of the recent times.  The Words go back farther than Medieval times and further than much of the history you might read in schools.

The Words go back to what is referred to the "Old Testament".  Men were foretelling what was to come to pass from the days of Noah.  Now I am not telling you anything you don't already know about, from story books you learned from as a child.  PLEASE don't rely on  learning  any historical facts from the motion pictures that come out from time to time, because  many times they are dramatized , not  always with truth, but with "stuff" that will sell movies.  Nothing factual about many of those movies. BUT, many of the epics are wonderful portrayals , factual in many ways and can teach many of the biblical stories from the Bible. 

If you want to read an exciting book, full of plots,  intrigue,  wars,  battles,  love, romance, and greed , pick up the Bible and start reading in Genesis.  By the time you finish that first Book in the Bible you will be hungry for more.  Its Chapters and pages are full of prophesy or foretelling if you prefer that word, of exactly what is going on today in the Middle East.  Because, you see, it all began in the Book of Genesis. The rivalry between men and the desires of people to see their dreams fulfilled. 

Can I recommend that if you are not a reader, you can look for Bible sites online, and they will read the Books out loud to you on your computer.  And they read with all of the drama and excitement you can ever imagine getting out of a novel that plugs into your radio set up.

 (Of course, not my books.  My books have all of that excitement and drama , love and romance in them,  and I would love to have you read them as well.  Just sayin, just a plug)   

 What I am trying to say is, what is going on in the World today is not totally unexpected by those who have taken the time to read , (with a good commentary) the Bible.  The politics of today enter into the equation. You can see the greed for power, for control, for land, sometimes just a little tiny strip of land called Gaza. 

So, read and keep informed about today's politics.  If you wonder how that can really effect me, in the little town of Podunk, USA, not my business what is going on around the other side of the world. You are very incorrect.  What is going on around the world CAN AND WILL effect your everyday living , your buying power, your nation, your oil prices for your car, your heating, how about the new tile or vinyl you want to put in your kitchen, or bathroom.  Petroleum products people. That effects your lipstick? Makeup? Medical products?  Just look around and think.  And you can extend that in so many ways.

So, in our busy times, as I described mine earlier this year, we need to also watch and read the news.  Not just our local spin on things, but, if you have a computer, go for the headlines online.  Be informed, even if your not interested at first, LEARN ONE THING A DAY. Just read one article on world news today and tell someone.  (Not the article about the panda born in Australia !! LOL) But about something happening around the world that could have an impact on your life.


Friday, January 3, 2014


We have a brand new year and brand new opportunities.  Recently I took advantage of one of those opportunities available and published my completed novel called "NORTHWEST PROJECT".  Now, what a trip that is!  Fun to do, and another accomplishment for my "bucket list." 

I have found that I love to write.  The children's book, "The Fly Away Balloon" was a completely different kind of project because it involved a simple story and illustrations.  It also was color, bright and fun color.  It was such a challenge, and it was fun learning how to do that. 

With that being said, "NORTHWEST PROJECT" was a completely different kind of endeavor.  It is strictly dependent on your words.  No cute color graphic to describe what is going on.  You have to do that description with your own words.  That is another ballgame altogether.  I found that if I pictured things going on in my mind, I would try to write a description as I could see it.  I would visualize the scene, as if I was making a movie in my head.  As the movie scene takes place you write it as you see it, or hear it.  SO MUCH FUN!

There are many other things to consider .  Do you know how many different ways there are to say the exact same thing?  Words are such a strong tool.  I am just learning how to scratch the surface of using our wonderful language to express what is going on in this wild and crazy blob called my brain.  And that can be a very interesting experience in itself.

Another challenge is "keeping it clean" with keeping it interesting.  By that I mean,  the use of your words can challenge the mind to  see what is going on in their own "picture"  in their own BRAIN .  But how to keep THEIR image controlled is another issue.  Well, the answer is, you really can not.  But, what you can do is be mindful of what images your words can conjure up. 

I really don't feel you have to be descriptive about gore, or intimacy, or other strong emotions.  Your own mind can take you places with your own imagination.  I do not find I have to be graphic or descriptive beyond the suggestion of what is happening. You keep it interesting by intimating in the readers mind . And the level they personally go to is in their own heads.  It makes the reader be interactive with the story being portrayed.  They then see their own version of what you are saying.  Does that make sense? If you make it graphic, they see graphic.  If you don't, they don't, but they get the gist of what is going on. The rest is then up to them. 

A challenge was the process of creating a proper format to fit into the publishers guidelines or template.  There are many ways to go, and the easy way is to pay the publisher to do the work for you.  That is the  easy way to do this. It is also a bit spendy.  Well, those of you who know me also know that I don't always do things the easy way.  My learning curve is a little longer sometimes.  But, I do love a challenge and with a little help from my friends and guidance from articles on the various web sites  , the challenge of putting it all together was finally accomplished.  Remember, the justification of the length of sentences , of words, of phrases as well as the placement of your paragraphs, the type of font, the size of the font, and on and on and on. 

By the time you go over your book in this process you have re edited several more times.  And to get to the place of wanting to publish, you have already edited and re written, so, your manuscript is rolling around in your head again and again.  By the way, spell check is a great tool, but, don't rely totally on that because I discovered, the word But and the name Bud are both proper words, neither misspelled, and when you spellcheck, your character's name Bud has just become But all over the place.  Your fingers typing can make proper typo's and not be caught by spell check.  So, they recommend that you read your manuscript an additional three times, just to catch those common errors.

So, if reading this does not discourage you, I challenge you to try this.  Write down what you are feeling by writing a fiction book, a teaching book, a "How to" book.  The statement , "there is at least one good  book in everyone," is a true statement.  We all have a story, or a poem or a talent you can share by teaching someone else.  Just step outside of your own limitations within your self, and express and publish. 

Please, take a moment, go on and type in my name.  Find "NORTHWEST PROJECT", and give it a whirl.  Read my simple little story, or read the adventure of "THE FLY AWAY BALLOON." Take the time to Fly Fly away with "Bitsy".  Then be inspired to take the challenge for this new year.  It is so much fun!

By the way, I enjoy doing this so much I am half way through writing  another novel I will talk about in another blog down the line.  Gosh, I sure like being retired, but I think I work longer hours now. 


Friday, December 27, 2013


          We are about to put another year into the pages of history in a few days.  We can easily turn on the news shows and they will pass your year in review , over and over and over  in the next few days.  It is always nice to see which show finds which event to feature as one of the "biggies" for the year.  Some events they feature we would almost rather forget ever happened.

           Whether you are interested in Politics or Religion or Local Events, World Events, you have to admit that this year had a lot going on.  No, don't worry, I am not going on a tirade on any particular event, although, I can think of several that might bring me to standing on a soap box and shaking my fist in the air.  And I know you out there....which ones of you would be standing on your soapbox right next door to mine!

            But what struck me this morning is more on a personal reflection time.  This is another year in the book for my life , personally, as well.  I don't believe you think or reflect much on that until you reach a certain age in your life.  But, after you do reach "the age" , what ever that might be in your thinking, each year that ends causes a time to review what you have accomplished, or did not accomplish in the passing year.  What is left over , undone, still unaccomplished this is worthy to bring forward and continue work in that area.

             Well, trust me when I say, we have had many changes this year in our life.  Some good, some even better.  Each of us have our own measuring tapes, but personally, each change that comes down the pike has its own value, and I cherish each change.  My husband was hurt at work, and that caused many different changes for us, and still is.  We are working through his physical problems caused by the injury, and what that has meant in his ability to do even the simplest of things.  Yet, we have been able to spend time together, almost like other retired couples, with the exception, we can not go places and travel at will.  There are so many doctor appointments, poking and prodding, there is not time to enjoy the fruits of his labors yet.  But, that time is eventually going to roll around.  So, you fill your time with other enjoyments .  You know, an afternoon matinee once in awhile is kind of fun.

             I published another book this year.  Wow, what fun is that? !!  NORTHWEST PROJECT is another major accomplishment in my life personally.  Another learning experience, another time of working mentally and sometimes physically, just to get another book in the books before year end.  That is so important in our personal reflection time.  Mentally being stimulated, keeping the grey matter working on things.    Have another book 12 chapters written. 

              Lund Creations is still sewing and selling items in the gift shop and around.  Keeps me on my toes and my chiropractor in business.  You know, he tells me my head weighs in about 9 pounds.  I wonder if those pounds are all bright grey matter.  LOL...  This sewing business also keeps a person going.  Buying fabric is a wonderful hobby, sewing and creating things to put in the gift shop is so much fun.  Another stimulation for someone.

               Guess what I am saying is, keep adding things to your personal "book" to go into the history for the year.  Be excited for what God has in store for you.  Every change is HIM opening another window in your life.  If you did not finish something, take that as encouragement to work on it again this year, not as discouragement of a failure.  We try to think on the positive and not the negative. Remember the fun times and be encouraged about the harder times, as we have been Blessed with another year to make the harder just a little easier. 

                I am ready to close the Chapter 2013 and move forward in 2014, to see what politically can happen, what adventures are going on around the world, and look up, look out side of myself, help others when I can, encourage others in what they are doing.  Give unselfishly of your time, your encouragement, in your family, in your church family.  Not that you won't make mistakes, because you will, but look at it as another opportunity to do something better this next time around.  Sing a new song, sing it daily, and love a lot. 

Blessings to you all in our Happy New Year !


Friday, April 26, 2013



You know, in the Pacific Northwest, we just wait, patiently, or not so patiently,  for that day in April,  or even as late as May, when the sun comes out and it is actually warm.  The weeds start growing along with the grass, and the lawn mowers start humming .     This is what keeps us in the Northwest.  And it has to be fairly fantastic for those long winter rainy months to keep us firmly rooted in that wet soggy mossy environment.  But when spring has sprung, there is NOTHING like the blue skies and equally blue water of the ocean beaches and the Puget Sound and so many lakes. 

Spring brings on Easter, our celebration that JESUS IS ALIVE!
It brings on tulips and "daffy dills", crocus.  Planting fever runs rampant, and vacations are anticipated.  All of the above is true for us in the Lund house hold as well.  We are shedding the old, cleaning out the weeds, and turning over the soil for a fresh planting.  But the fresh planting can mean many things to us. And it should to you as well.

It gives us a fresh start to look deep inside of our selves and plow up  the soil of your heart and mind.  Time to refresh your thinking, and stand firm on thoughts and convictions you have re visited for confirmation.  The Lund household does that as well.  We are changing some things, and revisiting and reconfirming some things.  The truth of the Word does not change, nor can we change .  The truth of the Word is for yesterday and today and certainly for tomorrow.  As you read, and reflect and study and ponder what is taught to you, remember that.

As we look into the happenings around the world, and wonder, sometimes in fear, about what is in the news headlines, we question  whether "is it time" and "I am scared!"  DON'T BE !
GOD IS IN CONTROL!  Every moment, every second, every happening!  HE is  in control of what happens to you, day by day.  You are most important to Him and He is in control of things even in your darkest moments.  Trust and rely on Him to make your fears subside, and your days go well. 

Yesterday?  Well,  ... that is in the past, you can not change it, you can reflect and learn from your yesterdays, and change your course for today. You can start fresh, ask forgiveness, and move forward in a positive manner.    Your tomorrows are not here yet.  Tomorrow can be lived much better than your yesterdays.  Just ask Jesus to help you do that, and it will be so. 

So, when you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine in the Northwest, or Southwest, or Midwest or East Coast...where ever the sun is shining, let the SONshine in your life today, and you will find all of the slog and rainy days and mush of life can be retilled , the weeds pulled and everyday becomes beautiful!

That's my story,  and I am stickin to it!  Cause its true!