Monday, June 14, 2010



Now, this is becoming a reality. I know, each stage is more and more of a reality, and I bet it is tiresome. It sure is not tiresome to me though. The adventure is still going. They have announced that I should have a copy of the book, "The Fly Away Balloon" from the printer in about 3 weeks. It is zippin right along .

I realize that I will not become a world famous author, nor shall I find great wealth. That is not the only goal in life, to be famous or have great wealth. (Although ample is good!) It is fun to have something that my grandchildren can look at. Maybe read to their children. But my son made a comment that I laughed at..."Tell that to Dr. Suess. Their family will never have to work again." And even though I laughed, it made me think about what plans are in store for all of this.

I know where my idenity is, I know that there is nothing that I could do that could change my destination in life. I have a wonderful husband, and wonderful children and grandchildren. Not to say that things are always a bed of roses, because they are not. There are bumps in the road occasionally. All in all, life is good. So, where does this desire come from , to have something in writing to be remembered by. As if my children or grandchildren might not remember me if they don't have a book to touch.

I believe that we are all seeking approval, seeking acknowledgement , looking for someone to say, "well done " or, " I am proud of you." We all enjoy a family member or friend smiling and supporting our accomplishments. A shy child will always beams when you point out how nice he or she looks, or how great of a hit that was on the ball field. Congradulations to a son or daughter on how well they did on a project, or a job, or a family dinner, or yard work, or how proud you are of how well they might be raising their child. We all seek approval. And if we remember to verbally give that approval, the return of love and respect, one to another, will make you a rich person indeed.

We all know that God loves us, no matter what. He approves of us, even when we make mistakes, He is smiling at our accomplishments, even when we fall. He will pick us up and encourage us when we have small setbacks in life, skin our knees emotionally or physically. He will set our paths right, and send us out to do things for Him. We are a great sucess in His eyes, always have been, always will be. We can take joy in that, and if you know that, in your heart, it will bring that smile to your face, that encouragement to your life, the same things we seem to search out.

Who knows, maybe the job given to you is to encourage someone, to think of someone's who has accomplished something wonderful, and tell them. Not just thinking it, but to verbalize it. Remembering to tell someone how well they have done, how nice they look, how nice their garden grows. Loving one another, lifting up one another, supporting each other. That is where your wealth is. That is where you can be remembered. I heard a son say once, at his grandfathers services, "My grampa was proud of me".

What wealth , such rememberance, posterity. I could only hope for the same.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


When I was younger, early mornings were strictly designated for sleeping. As I am maturing, early mornings are changing in designation. It is wonderful getting up early, listening to the early birds "tweeting" their way into the day, loudly I might add. And in Washington State, a sunny early morning , with birds tweeting, and blue skies, well, it just does not get any better than that!

We wait all rainy year long for mornings like this. People wonder why we stay here. Why not move somewhere where the sun shines all the time. Washington State is so green and plush and beautiful, and it comes from the winter and spring rain. It is contrasting colors of blue green water, green trees , beautiful flowers and the glow that goes along with a sunny day. That is why we stay. These are the very things that God gives to us as a promise of what is yet to come. That is why we stay.

"The Fly Away Balloon" is in the final stages. I sometimes wonder how many final stages there really are, but , this is one of the final, final stages. We are working on the front cover, and it should head into printing shortly. Woo Hoo.. I have seen an online emailed copy of how it is going to run on the inside, story and illustrations, and it is exciting to see the work actually a reality. You also see the errors you have made, the thoughts of "I should have done " this or that. Or "I could have changed" this or that... All those things are in the past, and we are moving forward. Soon I will be able to share the final book with everyone. Keep watching as I will post an announcement when the book is out ready to read.

Don't you think we spend a lifetime looking back saying, "I should have done" this or that or "I could have done" this or that. Should've or could've. I am not sure those words should be in the dictionary that defines your life. And they should never be a way of guiding your life. Reflection is good , and learning from your mistakes goes hand in hand with reflection. But spending your days living in the past will not help you gain what God is holding in His hand for your future. We need to learn from our mistakes, or shortcomings, but our promises are in the future. Move forward, onward and upward , eyes to the promises made for our tomorrows. Start today! Look positively to your future, move forward, make the changes you need to make, sometimes a little bit at a time, and enjoy both the sun in your life AND the SON in your life. You just cannot go wrong if you do that.

When I stopped working outside of the home a few years ago, I was concerned about what I was going to do. I spent the first few weeks decompressing. Then the direction of my life started taking shape. Lund Creations came into being , giving an outlet for creativity, and the writing started with a possible direction toward publishing someday. I kept thinking that I needed to go back and start a company and do the things that I did for work , on a smaller basis. But, God had different plans for my life. The doors continued to quietly close on the past, and open to the future. We have trusted in that direction given to us, and we are moving forward . Reach for your goals, look for different directions in your life. See what HIS plans are for your life, and move in that direction. Be open to change, and follow your dreams.

Learn to "Fly Away" like the balloon...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I feel similar to a teenager. Not quite grown up yet, having all of the grown up emotions , but with a little different perspective and viewpoint.

That is the way I feel about the children's book I am writing, The Fly Away Balloon. We are almost done with the book layout phase of this adventure. There are a couple of layout typo's they need to correct, and one more illustration to put into the proper order, and we move on to the next phase. I am still not sure what the next phase is, but like a teenager, I am excited to see what is over the next hill. (Not to be confused with going "over the hill")

Life seems to be like that as well. We look back at different stages of our life and we see the simplest of times and the most difficult of times with a much different perspective. Depending on how old you are while going thru these times, you can see such a different viewpoint or perspective. I can remember my children going thru similar life experiences. Seeing that same "trauma" I experienced, but in a much different lite. Have you caught yourself thinking, or even saying, my situation was very different or, it was more serious. Ah, well, stop and think. It was much more serious or life altering, because it was you. The same seriousness applies to your child or grandchild , you just don't see it in the same way.

I think a valuable lesson in life is remembering what happened in your past and how you felt about it at the time. That might be the key to having wisdom in this area. Remember to put the same kind of perspective you had to the situation at hand, and have empathy .

That can go a long way to gapping the distance between different age groups. Actually, remembering those "trauma's" can bring back good and bad memories. Remembering the memories can be almost bitter sweet. I am glad that I can laugh, or maybe just chuckle, about some of those memories. And other than your closest friends from the past, no one is around to remember them.

We have a group of girl friends who meet regularly for lunch and we all graduated from high school together. It is kind of our version of "Ya Ya's". Between many of us, we have enough memories to hold each other hostage for a long time. But, we now laugh alot, and have those memories in perspective. What was so serious back then, is so funny and heartwarming now. Everytime we meet, someone usually has a tale or two that we all find hilarious , which of course brings to memory another tale, embellished a bit maybe, but making the telling all that much better.

Another pleasure is having friends for a long LONG time. There is such comfort in that. We all may not have run together all those years. Some of us did, some grew to be good friends later on in life. But, bonding is still there as we remember so many things no matter which "group" we all were in.

With all that being said, I am glad that I am almost past the teenager age with the book, although the experience I would not change for anything. And the memories I am making now, will last my lifetime, and I will remember, and chuckle and smile.

Life is good. Thank you Lord for the gift.