The first event at SAGE BOOK STORES in Shelton, Wa is now history. It was held last Saturday, and believe me, I was so nervous. So many things go through your mind when doing this kind of event, especially if it is a total unknown, walking in the dark kind of thing. You are not sure how to plan, prepare, do you have a theme, or just sit like a bump on a log. And it did not help that I was getting over a cold, and had recieved some discouragement during the week. So, my mind was especially working overtime.
But, as usual, if you LET GO and LET GOD, all things go well. My good friend Sue suggested balloons, as the name of the book is "THE FLY AWAY BALLOON". Up to "Walmarche", into the novelty department and I found a kit containing balloons, ribbon and the helium. I found some pinata candy with little toys, and a little purple trash can for wrappers. And off I went. You have heard of the expression, "brilliant minds think alike"? SAGE BOOK STORE puts out balloons when having a guest for book signings, which tied into the theme. Bless their hearts, it was all set up. I anchored my ballons I had blown up, put out the candy, set out the books and my "fine tipped sharpy" and I was ready for anything.
And "anything" did happen. There were flowers delivered, more balloons and cards delivered, and bunches of friend and supporters arriving to see the book, buy a book, have books signed, and support from good friends. There were no breaks to speak of. A short pause for a few minutes, and then more friend arrived with good cheer and cameras. We sold out all of the books quickly, had alot of laughter and some tears. Lots of hugs and lots of love.
The special key here is TRUST. You can always ALWAYS TRUST that if you allow GOD
control, it will always be the best for you. If He knows the hairs on your head,and HE does, and the amount of your heartbeats,and HE DOES, HE can certainly handle a book signing. I will never fear again. HE turned all things to good. That is what HE wants for you. That does not mean I won't fuss over things, as that is my nature. But fear... ah, not so much.
So, the time at SAGE BOOK STORE for the book signing went well. People had fun, and I had fun. The bookstore had fun, and I know that GOD HAD FUN. What more can I say.
Please join me for the next time, cause, we are certainly going to have fun again. I will keep you posted. Sept 14th I will be at the Hoodsport Library supporting them. I will have more books by then and hopefully, I won't run out this next time. Or.... whatever. Look forward to seeing you all, and so will GOD!
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