This morning I listened to one of the teachers on some channel on t.v. that I can never seem to find again for a few weeks… I think God plans for you to “stumble on to something” that applies directly to what you need to hear, or learn, or listen to. Like the message the pastor in your church conveys on a given Sunday, and you know he wrote that message with you in mind. Now you know that it has happened to you. Those messages were not all designed for “so and so that you wish could hear this!” LOL.. You must remember that those messages are for you as well…not just for the other guy.
So, It has come to my attention that we all should love ourselves and each other. We are made and designed in the womb by GOD, and by disliking ourselves we are saying that GOD did not do HIS job well. In reality, HE did HIS job just fine. Maybe WE have not always done or said or behaved in a manner that would be pleasing to GOD, but, we all say and do things that might have been said or done differently, better, with more finesse. Remember, GOD still loves you and you should still love yourself.
Learning where we have or may have offended someone, at one point or another, and recognize that it may have been or was offensive, learn from it and move forward, is a vital part of life. Trying to not do something offensive to that person, in that manner, in the future, is the best lesson to learn. It is also important to recognize that not all people will be upset or offended by the same things, but continue to work on what and how you say things to all people.
With all of that being said, one should not dwell in the mire that can sometimes surround these circumstances. We must learn and we must move forward with the knowledge that we are a wonderful work in progress. None of us are exempt from this process. We all are different in what we say and do, how we are learning our lessons, and how we apply the lessons. It is our choice in how we learn and apply and move forward.
The import key is TO MOVE FORWARD. I want to impress the fact that we can and must move forward, and not stay stuck in the mire. If we stay in the mire, we will not learn nor be able to progress in our walk with God, in this area, with our relationships or our personal growth here on earth.
Our ability to move forward in our growth within ourselves as well with others can make or break your growth in your walk, and visa versa. If we can not listen to what God is teaching us here, how can we move on to the next lesson we are to learn? And trust me, there will be many lessons we will need to learn. This life we lead will be a big major rehearsal, and as in all rehearsals, you go over the material, again and again and again until you get it down. Now we have some of these life experiences that are more painful than others… and do you really want to go through them again and again? Certainly not… so, learn, apply, and move forward.
B-I-B-L-E, Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. This is why we learn so many lessons while we are here.
It is equally important to understand that everyone is made differently. And as we are made differently, not all lessons will be handled in the same manner by God. How HE might approach one set of people may not be the same way HE would teach someone else. As we are all different, but none the less perfection, we are all lovable by God. If each person is made and loved by God, what makes us think WE can do any less?
A wonderful Pastor taught a lesson about OFFENCES WILL COME. We can not go through life without offending each other at one time or another. Offenses will come… but, you DO HAVE A CHOICE to move forward. Carrying the burden of unhappiness, and staying stuck in the same mire, will only bring that person more grief and unhappiness. Judgement of others is a heavy burden to carry, and leads no where in life, certainly not on a path filled with joy and happiness.
Make the choice to move forward, grant grace and learn not go in that lesson circle over and over. Learn to love each other as
God has commanded. That, after all, is the greatest commandment given. You too have offended others, and you should pray that others grant you the grace you should show others.
Another great teaching has to do with showing your family and loved ones respect and grace. Many times you are more judgmental of your precious loved ones and show much less respect to your loved ones then you show and give to a stranger on the street, or a casual acquaintance. Respect and regard seems to be a lost teaching in today’s society. Respect shown to your elders, relatives and person’s in authority is vital in your growth and walk.
Segregate the problem, address it, or own it or what ever applies, recognize the difference, learn to love yourself and others, show respect and grace, and walk into a wonderful life that God has intended for you. Leave bitterness behind, bring in Joy, and prepared to be blessed.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
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