Thursday, December 29, 2011


As I look back over 362 days of 2011, I realize that time has gone by so quickly. Many say that age does that to us. As we get older, time does go by more quickly. AND, that is true. I see projects left undone, with thoughts in my mind of the day I made mental plans for this or that . I will get started when spring is upon us, or, when the showers stop, or a little closer to summer. I remember thinking I need to thin the raspberries, and split the dahlia bulbs. I remember hearing the wood will be chopped , little by little, month by month. But other projects, and fun times, and vacations, and illness, and, and , and.... the list goes on and on, and all of a sudden, we are at the end of the year. The dahlia bulbs did not get split, seperated much less dug up. The raspberries will wait for next year. And part of the wood was split, the rest will wait for next year.

This is the same way we sometimes view many things in our lives. Some things just do not matter. Why stress yourself over something that is not an essential in daily lives. We have enough things like work, politics, relationships, children, ALWAYS CHILDREN. These things bring on enough stress. Holidays, meals, cost of living, gifts for children and grandchildren. Those stresses are always with us.

But what about our faith? Where are we in our faith? Have we seen what is going on around us? Oh oh, look at the politics! That comes creeping in because, these days, politics DO AFFECT our our Christian faith. And what about World News and Happenings. We sometimes just chuck it away, as what could affect us half way around the world. "There are always wars and rumors of wars, but it is over there, not here. When it is here, I will worry about it." Quick newflash folks, when it arrives here, it is too late to be informed ahead of time. We will learn about it the hard way, first hand experience.

CHILDREN AND PARENTS. Parents with adult children can be a problem. And it is a two way street. Many times adult children see parents as "out of touch", or "older and can not understand this day and age". Sometimes, wisdom of those who HAVE walked a mile in your shoes, is misunderstood, unwanted and not considered. Many times they feel that the shift of power and knowledge and expierences is being transistioned to the younger generation, but not realizing that the wisdom and knowledge and training that comes with being the "parents age" is exactly what should be reveared and respected and listened to. Instead, PARENTS recieve criticism, and are set aside and dismissed. Many times, adult parents dismiss the knowledge and training and wonderful minds of the adult children. They continue to see their kids as "the kids", not as adults, working and making their way in life, and starting to raise their children, facing the same but different trials and tribulations that we faced. What both sides are missing is REGARD FOR EACH OTHER.

Which leads me to this point. We are later in the year, later in our lives, and it is later than many might think. We might not have much time left to make certain choices in life that need to be made. Political happenings and world happenings are leading to a path that is certainly affecting all of our lives in a big way. Our faith and commitments we make to Jesus are going to make a difference in our lives as the time is starting to run out. That decision is a priority. You might have 30 days, or 3 years, or 30 years. OR, you might have another 30 seconds.

YOUNGER GENERATION, it is time to recognize and regard your parents, your elders and respect them for their experience and knowledge and widsom. OLDER GENERATION, it is time to celebrate the upcoming youth for all of their excitement and ambition , their ideas, their experiences yet to come to them , AND their ability to stay up past 10:00 . REGARD, we all need to REGARD , LOVE ONE ANOTHER ! That is not a choice, but a command. Don't believe me? Then read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. BIBLE !!!

The end of the year is upon us, and new beginings are just around the corner. Let us make our plans, finish our important tasks, help each other, love each other, and start the NEW TIMES out together, Because,.... in a twinkle of an eye, it will be here!

Blessings for New Year everyone.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Memorial Day, 2011 is here. It is a day for remembering fallen heros, remembering the military men and women currently serving overseas and at home. And remembering, of course, to reflect on the price our heros have paid for the freedom we experience. It comes at a very high cost.

SO.... Does that mean that we can remember JESUS on Memorial Day? YES!! HE is our fallen hero. HE died so our lives could be lived in freedom forever. The cost to HIM and HIS family has been spoken about for several thousand years, AND LONGER. We talk about the price HE paid every week, daily we remember the price HE paid for each and every one of us. BUT, not only did HE pay the price for all of us in the USA, but HE paid the price for everyone all over the world. HE did not limit HIS death to save just Americans, but for those who have believed, past, present and future, all around the world.

Yup, among many wonderful men and women have have gone before us, the leader of them all is OUR JESUS, OUR FALLEN HERO, WHO DIED FOR EVERYONE, WHO ROSE AGAIN, THAT WE ALL SHOULD HAVE FREEDOM FOR EVER.

REMEMBER THAT FACT when you eat your barbqued chicken and potato salad, corn on the cobb and strawberry shortcake. That is what we are going to have. Say a special blessing for Memorial Day, making JESUS YOUR BEST AND FOREVER FALLEN HERO!