Friday, December 27, 2013


          We are about to put another year into the pages of history in a few days.  We can easily turn on the news shows and they will pass your year in review , over and over and over  in the next few days.  It is always nice to see which show finds which event to feature as one of the "biggies" for the year.  Some events they feature we would almost rather forget ever happened.

           Whether you are interested in Politics or Religion or Local Events, World Events, you have to admit that this year had a lot going on.  No, don't worry, I am not going on a tirade on any particular event, although, I can think of several that might bring me to standing on a soap box and shaking my fist in the air.  And I know you out there....which ones of you would be standing on your soapbox right next door to mine!

            But what struck me this morning is more on a personal reflection time.  This is another year in the book for my life , personally, as well.  I don't believe you think or reflect much on that until you reach a certain age in your life.  But, after you do reach "the age" , what ever that might be in your thinking, each year that ends causes a time to review what you have accomplished, or did not accomplish in the passing year.  What is left over , undone, still unaccomplished this is worthy to bring forward and continue work in that area.

             Well, trust me when I say, we have had many changes this year in our life.  Some good, some even better.  Each of us have our own measuring tapes, but personally, each change that comes down the pike has its own value, and I cherish each change.  My husband was hurt at work, and that caused many different changes for us, and still is.  We are working through his physical problems caused by the injury, and what that has meant in his ability to do even the simplest of things.  Yet, we have been able to spend time together, almost like other retired couples, with the exception, we can not go places and travel at will.  There are so many doctor appointments, poking and prodding, there is not time to enjoy the fruits of his labors yet.  But, that time is eventually going to roll around.  So, you fill your time with other enjoyments .  You know, an afternoon matinee once in awhile is kind of fun.

             I published another book this year.  Wow, what fun is that? !!  NORTHWEST PROJECT is another major accomplishment in my life personally.  Another learning experience, another time of working mentally and sometimes physically, just to get another book in the books before year end.  That is so important in our personal reflection time.  Mentally being stimulated, keeping the grey matter working on things.    Have another book 12 chapters written. 

              Lund Creations is still sewing and selling items in the gift shop and around.  Keeps me on my toes and my chiropractor in business.  You know, he tells me my head weighs in about 9 pounds.  I wonder if those pounds are all bright grey matter.  LOL...  This sewing business also keeps a person going.  Buying fabric is a wonderful hobby, sewing and creating things to put in the gift shop is so much fun.  Another stimulation for someone.

               Guess what I am saying is, keep adding things to your personal "book" to go into the history for the year.  Be excited for what God has in store for you.  Every change is HIM opening another window in your life.  If you did not finish something, take that as encouragement to work on it again this year, not as discouragement of a failure.  We try to think on the positive and not the negative. Remember the fun times and be encouraged about the harder times, as we have been Blessed with another year to make the harder just a little easier. 

                I am ready to close the Chapter 2013 and move forward in 2014, to see what politically can happen, what adventures are going on around the world, and look up, look out side of myself, help others when I can, encourage others in what they are doing.  Give unselfishly of your time, your encouragement, in your family, in your church family.  Not that you won't make mistakes, because you will, but look at it as another opportunity to do something better this next time around.  Sing a new song, sing it daily, and love a lot. 

Blessings to you all in our Happy New Year !


Friday, April 26, 2013



You know, in the Pacific Northwest, we just wait, patiently, or not so patiently,  for that day in April,  or even as late as May, when the sun comes out and it is actually warm.  The weeds start growing along with the grass, and the lawn mowers start humming .     This is what keeps us in the Northwest.  And it has to be fairly fantastic for those long winter rainy months to keep us firmly rooted in that wet soggy mossy environment.  But when spring has sprung, there is NOTHING like the blue skies and equally blue water of the ocean beaches and the Puget Sound and so many lakes. 

Spring brings on Easter, our celebration that JESUS IS ALIVE!
It brings on tulips and "daffy dills", crocus.  Planting fever runs rampant, and vacations are anticipated.  All of the above is true for us in the Lund house hold as well.  We are shedding the old, cleaning out the weeds, and turning over the soil for a fresh planting.  But the fresh planting can mean many things to us. And it should to you as well.

It gives us a fresh start to look deep inside of our selves and plow up  the soil of your heart and mind.  Time to refresh your thinking, and stand firm on thoughts and convictions you have re visited for confirmation.  The Lund household does that as well.  We are changing some things, and revisiting and reconfirming some things.  The truth of the Word does not change, nor can we change .  The truth of the Word is for yesterday and today and certainly for tomorrow.  As you read, and reflect and study and ponder what is taught to you, remember that.

As we look into the happenings around the world, and wonder, sometimes in fear, about what is in the news headlines, we question  whether "is it time" and "I am scared!"  DON'T BE !
GOD IS IN CONTROL!  Every moment, every second, every happening!  HE is  in control of what happens to you, day by day.  You are most important to Him and He is in control of things even in your darkest moments.  Trust and rely on Him to make your fears subside, and your days go well. 

Yesterday?  Well,  ... that is in the past, you can not change it, you can reflect and learn from your yesterdays, and change your course for today. You can start fresh, ask forgiveness, and move forward in a positive manner.    Your tomorrows are not here yet.  Tomorrow can be lived much better than your yesterdays.  Just ask Jesus to help you do that, and it will be so. 

So, when you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine in the Northwest, or Southwest, or Midwest or East Coast...where ever the sun is shining, let the SONshine in your life today, and you will find all of the slog and rainy days and mush of life can be retilled , the weeds pulled and everyday becomes beautiful!

That's my story,  and I am stickin to it!  Cause its true!